
3. Videos

ClinicalKey Pathology Videos


Open video: How to learn pathology 

How to learn pathology

Simon S. Cross [ Music ] Narrator: Here are some thoughts about why you need to learn pathology if you want to become a doctor and how you might go about learning it. My name is Simon Cross. I'm Professor of Diagnostic Histopathology at the Univer...

Simon S. Cross.. Published March 28, 2018.


Open video: The pathology of diverticular disease 

The pathology of diverticular disease

Simon S. Cross [ Music ] Narrator: In this podcast we're talking about the pathology about diverticular disease. And it's an important disease because it's not a tumor, it's not malignant and it doesn't get talked about that much, but it's still a...

Simon S. Cross.. Published March 28, 2018.


Open video: Supplemental Video S9 - Immunolabeling of Cleared Human Pancreata Provides Insights into Three-Dimensional Pancreatic Anatomy and Pathology 

Supplemental Video S9 - Immunolabeling of Cleared Human Pancreata Provides Insights into Three-Dimensional Pancreatic Anatomy and Pathology

Three-dimensional imaging of human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and its relationship to blood vessels. A section of grossly identified human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma was immunolabeled with antibodies for cytokeratin 19 (CK19) and clear...

Noë, Michaël; Rezaee, Neda; Asrani, Kaushal; Skaro, Michael; Groot, Vincent P.; Wu, Pei-Hsun; Olson, Matthew T.; Hong, Seung-Mo; Kim, Sung Joo; Weiss, Matthew J.; Wolfgang, Christopher L.; Makary, Martin A.; He, Jin; Cameron, John L.; Wirtz, Denis; Roberts, Nicholas J.; Offerhaus, G. Johan A.; Brosens, Lodewijk A.A.; Wood, Laura D.; Hruban, Ralph H... Published July 1, 2018. Volume 188, Issue 7. Pages 1530-1535. © 2018.

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