
4. Images

Source By ClinicalKey (Elsevier) - Patology
Pathology and genetics of hereditary colorectal cancer 

Fig. 1:Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of each of the hereditary CRC syndromes. (A) Lynch syndrome (LS): this resection specimen shows a malignant tumour in the caecum and an otherwise unremarkable surrounding mucosa without polyps.  MORE...

Ma, Huiying; Brosens, Lodewijk A.A.; Offerhaus, G. Johan A.; Giardiello, Francis M.; de Leng, Wendy W.J.; Montgomery, Elizabeth A... Published January 1, 2018. Volume 50, Issue 1. Pages 49-59. © 2017.

Pathology and genetics of hereditary colorectal cancer 

Fig. 1:Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of each of the hereditary CRC syndromes. (A) Lynch syndrome (LS): this resection specimen shows a malignant tumour in the caecum and an otherwise unremarkable surrounding mucosa without polyps. (B) Histo... MORE
Ma, Huiying; Brosens, Lodewijk A.A.; Offerhaus, G. Johan A.; Giardiello, Francis M.; de Leng, Wendy W.J.; Montgomery, Elizabeth A... Published January 1, 2018. Volume 50, Issue 1. Pages 49-59. © 2017.

Pathology of fore and midgut neuroendocrine tumours

Figure 2:The general mechanisms of NETs include alterations of the WNT pathways, MAPK pathways, chromatin organization and angiogenesis. These cellular processes have key regulators that include known genes related with inherited syndromes with these neopl... MORE

Diagnostic Histopathology.

Diaz-Cano, Salvador J... Published October 1, 2012. Volume 18, Issue 10. Pages 421-436. © 2012

Forensic pathological evaluation of postmortem pulmonary CT high-density areas in serial autopsy cases of sudden cardiac death

Fig. 1:Postmortem pulmonary CT morphology and histology (HE, 40×). (a) Case 1: a 64-year-old man, found sitting facedown in an automobile; recurrent myocardial infarction; ca. 27 h postmortem at CT and autopsy. CT morphology: ground glass opacification i... MORE

Forensic Science International.

Michiue, Tomomi; Ishikawa, Takaki; Oritani, Shigeki; Kamikodai, Yasunobu; Tsuda, Kohei; Okazaki, Shuji; Maeda, Hitoshi.. Published October 10, 2013. Volume 232, Issue 1-3. Pages 199-205. © 2013.


Pathology, Molecular Biology, and Pathogenesis of Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Infection in Humans

Figure 1:Examples of results of in situ hybridization, IHC, and lectin staining in various organs of H5N1 autopsies. A: Lung tissue showing severe damage, hyaline membrane formation, edema, fibrin exudation, and cellular infiltration (H & E staining). B: D... MORE

American Journal of Pathology, The.

Korteweg, Christine, M.D.; Gu, Jiang, M.D., Ph.D... Published May 1, 2008. Volume 172, Issue 5. Pages 1155-1170. © 2008

Pathology and Pathogenesis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

Figure 1:Pathology in the lungs, brain, and spleen. A: Lung tissue of a SARS autopsy showing severe damage, hyaline membrane formation, edema, fibrin exudation, and some inflammatory cells (H & E staining). Sample from a 50-year-old male SARS patient who d... MORE

American Journal of Pathology, The.

Gu, Jiang; Korteweg, Christine.. Published April 1, 2007. Volume 170, Issue 4. Pages 1136-1147. © 2007.

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